
Understanding zynq in 2 minutes

Understanding zynq in 2 minutes

Understanding Zynq in 2 minutes

This post serves as an intro to anyone seeking to learn more on Zynq and FPGA, I encourage you to read it to get started on a learning journey.

Based on this video.

The repo

Intro to zynq

Zynq is an SoC (System on Chip) made by Xilinx (AMD), it combines a “powerful” ARM processor with programmable logic (FPGA), which is ideal to play around with FPGA whilst not caring too much about the processing system part :

The Zynq SoC

Watch the vido to learn more about these basic features

What is is this about

If you are here, it means you are more or less interrested in embedded low-level systems and maybe you know your way around FPGA.

But it also means you are seeking to learn !

Well, look no further then ! On my channel, and on this blog, you will find plenty of resources and tutorials to make interresting stuff on FPGA, especially on zynq.

So, this video was an intro, but if you want to learn suff like :

  • Design your own hardware logic and interact with it
  • Make an AI and use it on FPGA
  • Design your own CPU and test it on FPGA

You are @ the right place !

What now ?

Where does one get started ?

Well there is ne way to get started per say. Learning FPGA is kinda hard sometimes and it is my goal to make it easier.

  • If you are a complete begginer, look for my “AXI Led IP” and “HDL Explained” Videos.
  • If you are more advanced, you can look for my “DMA for Fast Fourier Transform Tutorial” or “Running linux on Zynq” videos.
  • And if you are a real FPGA hardcore, you can look for my “AI on FPGA” and my “RISC-V Single cycle (coming soon)” Videos

These are my first few videos, there is probably more to look at now, have a look at the repo or the youtube channel.

For each video will be an associated post on this blog, you can find a link to the post in the video description (and a link to the repo in the post).

Most videos I make comes with a hands-on tutorial. Each post (including this one) will have a link to the associated Github at the very beginning and some resources at the end.


The Zynq BookPDFA great book to learn more on zynq, well suited for begginers
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.