
HDL Explained in 120s

HDL Explained in 120s

Understanding HDL in 2 minutes

Based on this video.

Level : Beginner.

The repo containing the code from the video


HDL is a way to describe hardware and you absolutely need to understand what it does, why, and how to use it in order to move further in your learning journey.

This video serves as an introduction for beginners to get your head around HDL for the first time and implement your first custom logic through a simple example on Xilinx tools.


  • Know the basics of “programming”.
  • Know what a logic gate and a register is.
  • If you want to do the exmaple : Install Vivado.

After waching this video, click on the “beginner” tag to check out the other beginners projects tutorial to kickstart you fpga leanrning.


Open source synth :

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.